Monday, November 21, 2016

Will WA Stand Up for Medical Cannabis Patients ?

Will WA Stand up for Medical Cannabis Patients?
     In 2015 the Washington State Legislature passed 5052, The Cannabis Patient Pain and Suffering Act. In this wide sweeping legislation the legislature took special care to first dismantle the existing patient centered medical cannabis system, limit plant counts for patients, create new criminal penalties for cannabis possession and even sharing and created a patient registry on which patients must register if they want higher plant counts and protection from arrest. All in all, the WA Legislature showed they were no real friend to cannabis, and now that it looks like Jeff Sessions, an Alabama Senator who is a committed reefer madness war on weed politician, will be our next attorney general, will the legislature pass a resolution vowing to protect medical cannabis patients in the state?
     This is especially important to patients who have registered on the Marijuana Authorization Database. By their own hand legislators in Olympia, of both parties, created a ready to use list of cannabis consumers for the incoming anti-cannabis Justice Department known as the Marijuana Authorization Database (MAD). Will Olympia have the courage to stand up and back up their repeated statements that the registry is nothing to fear? Will Democrats strike up opposition to the registry, just as they oppose a registry for Muslims? Will Republicans oppose any interference from the Justice Department in the cannabis affairs of WA on the basis of states rights? Will the Governor stand up for medical cannabis patients in WA? Medical cannabis patients around the state want to know. 

To find out contact your Olympia representative:

Find your legislator:

Contact the Governor:

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Yes, Ask Your Doc for Weed

Yes, Ask Your Doc for Weed
     Lately, there’s been a lot on the news about opiate addiction and what can be done to fix this problem that has become an epidemic across the US. The causes are many, but most experts agree that this life crippling addiction usually starts in the doctor’s office. The ill fated journey starts not in some shady back alley with a stereo typical pusher slinging balloons of heroin, but in the “I’ve been to college for at least 8 years and have never heard of the endocannabanoid system” doctor’s exam room. The typical story goes a little like this...
     Patient breaks a bone, or has surgery. Patient is given only one option for pain, pharmaceuticals. There is no mention of medical Cannabis. Patient gets prescribed opiate pain killers. Patient finds after the script runs out, they still want the pills. Patient tries for a re-fill, maybe gets it, but sooner or later the re-fills stop and the now addicted patient has to turn to getting the pills on the illicit market. Eventually as their tolerance grows, that gets too expensive, and leads said patient to a far cheaper fix, heroin. The story goes innumerable directions from here, but more times than not, the tale doesn’t end well. The amount of time for this devolution depends on the person, and often patients jump off the downward spiral at various points, but a fair amount end up loosing everything, living on the streets, overdosing and suicide. The amount of human capital wasted in the wake of such a disaster is immeasurable. We all know the stories, and some of us live them.
     The solutions offered by the mainstream are usually limited, but more often than not involve taking various pharmaceuticals used to manage opiate addiction such as methadone.  The obvious dark, apparently accepted, irony is big Pharma is getting paid on both ends. They start the house fire, and then sell the unfortunate home owner the bucket to put it out. What if there was a way to not start the fire to begin with? Well there is a way to avoid these all two common stories.   Unfortunately it will take one injury, one surgery, one trip to the doctor and one turned down pain killing prescription at a time to make the change. Here’s how we can get started.
     At that inevitable moment at the end of the visit when the doctor pulls out his prescription pad and thinks back to which pharma rep brought in the best lunch this week at a pain med sales meeting to write you a prescription, ask him or her to stop. Maybe say “Instead of pills doc, I’d like to get prescribed medical cannabis.” You may need to use its more familiar name “marijuana”. Expect some awkwardness, but it may just start a conversation. And, maybe you take the prescription just in case you need them, or can’t find any cannabis. The problem now of course for many Americans is obtaining medical cannabis, but with a little planning it’s not too hard to find cannabis in the US. Thankfully, for nearly half the states, medical cannabis is legal, so obtaining the needed pain killing cannabis might not be that difficult. (Can we just declassify it already.) A quick YouTube search will reveal some easy ways to consume the safe, nonaddictive pain medicine. The burden is just getting the word out that medical cannabis is a safe viable option for most any pain. Since they are heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical companies, we won’t be able to count on the medical profession, the government or the media to stop the deadly opiate addiction disaster going on in our country right now,   So we have to spread the word one person at a time.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Terpenes in Cannabis

Terpenes are the molecules that give aromatic plants their smell. There are over 20,000 terpenes. According to Chem Wiki, terpenes are made up of smaller units called isoprenes. Isoprene (C5H8) in its natural form is a gas that is released from plants as a byproduct of metabolism. Isoprenes are the second most common volatile family of compounds in the atmosphere, second only to methane. According to there are over one hundred terpenes found in the marijuana family. New research is demonstrating that these terpenes are central to the specific effects of each strain, rather than by their historically popular identification as Sativa or Indica. The most common terpenes in cannabis are...


This terpene is what gives pine trees and other conifers their smell. In the past, pinene in the form of turpentine was used to treat breathing ailments, parasitic infections and skin conditions. Pinene is present in many strains. These terpenes act as an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory medication. It also is known to be a bronco dialator.


Myrcene is found in fresh mango fruit, hops, bay leaves, eucalyptus, lemongrass and many other plants. Myrcene is the smallest terpene. The tiny terpene is used as an anti mucus agent, as well as, has anti-bacterial and anti viral properties. 


This terpene is found in lavender, coriander and is the base ingredient of Vitamin E. Linalool, like lavender, has sedative effects. According to the Leaf Online, Linalool is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, anti-psychotic effects, anti-seizure effects and may be helpful in treating depression. Researchers at the American University of Beirut showed that small concentrations of linalool stopped the growth of liver cancer cells


Limonene gives strains of cannabis their citrus lemony smell. Limonene is known to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, as well as anecdotally being supportive of stress and anxiety relief. According to Web MD, limonene may have anti-cancer properties, and can be used to treat bronchitis



This terpene is a molecule that works behind the scenes when cannabis is ingested or smoked. The terpene activates the protein known as C2, the cannabanoid receptor that does not produce a high. However, researchers have shown beta Caryophyllene to be effective in treating inflammation, osteoporosis, and other conditions.

     These terpenes and their medicinal use are known in the herbal community. Perhaps, medical cannabis dispensaries can better serve patients’ needs by understanding these molecules and how they can be used in conjunction with THC to treat debilitating conditions. Yet, their uses are not completely understood. More research is needed to better understand the potential uses of terpenes in cannabis.  

Monday, October 31, 2016

Still Not a Word About Medical

      With cannabis being such a big thing in Washington State (The state is making millions off the little devil weed.), in particular the medical sector, that medical cannabis would get mentioned in the Governor’s race. With numerous problems with the current system, namely pesticides and the high excise tax on patients, one would think the subject would come up in a debate. Or, at least someone in the media would ask a politician what they think about sick people in WA being poisoned with pesticides. It is obvious Olympia wants all the money from medical cannabis, but doesn’t’ want to put in the time or effort to get it right. No other sector of the economy would be able to operate like this, poison product gouging sick people and citizens with disabilities.

It makes you wonder “Why is the media and Olympia ignoring medical cannabis in WA?”

Friday, October 21, 2016

Monday, June 20, 2016

We Have to Let them Know

     With the news recently confirming that medical cannabis patients won’t have access to legal clones after July 1st, and with Countless medical cannabis products patients depend on   going away that same day, it is clear the Governor and the Legislature have forgotten about the medical cannabis patient in WA. If you are loosing access to medical cannabis on July 1st, it is very important to call the Governor’s office and your legislator to let them know your story. Here are some links to contact info to call and remind them who they work for.

Contact the Governor

Find your Legislator

Be sure to be specific when it comes to identifying how 5052 has negatively impacted your life.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Lawsuit Seeks 5052 Injunction

Lawsuit Seeks 5052 Injunction

     On July 1st the so called Cannabis Patient Protection Act goes into effect, essentially devastating a once thriving non profit medical cannabis system in Washington State. As predicted the ill advised bill has triggered numerous lawsuits. The latest court action seeks to place an injunction on the bill going into full effect and focuses on the Marijuana Authorization Database (MAD) and its failure to protect patient privacy.

     Dr. Gregory Carter points out in his lawsuit that the MAD violates patient doctor confidentiality in that it requires the patient to divulge their medical condition to a 3rd party. These 3rd parties known as Marijuana Consultants will work at medically endorsed recreational cannabis shops. A likely scene is a patient discussing their very private medical conditions with a half trained bud tender standing in line with a couple frat boys heading out to party that night. The lawsuit also contends the lowering of plant counts from 15 to 4 places a restriction on the doctor patient relationship that interferes with the patients care.

To read more about this promising lawsuit go to…

Friday, June 3, 2016

Groups Calling on Governor to Extend Medical Cannabis Deadline

Groups Call on Governor to Extend Medical Cannabis Deadline

     With July 1st fast approaching and medical cannabis patients scrabbling to adjust to the new medical cannabis regulations in Washington activist groups are calling on the Governor to extend the deadline.

To sign the petition and read more go to…


Friday, May 6, 2016

Cannabis Terpene Effect Guides Available

Cannabis Terpene Effect Guides Available

     Last year the MMCWS put together business card sized “Cannabis Terpene Effect Guides”. Terpenes are smell molecules. The cards list the most common terpenes found in cannabis, and their known effects. The cards are based on the work of Dr. Jeffery Raber, and others, who have studied what is known as the “entourage effect”. The idea is the terpenes act in conjunction with THC, CBD and other cannabanoids to produce the different unique medicinal effects of each cannabis strain. Think of THC as a 15 seat passenger van, and the terpenes the passengers. When ingested the THC “van” transports the terpenes across the blood brain barrier, thus intensifying the effect of the terpenes. For example, limonene in a lemon does not cross the blood brain barrier, therefore, when consumed the limonene has a far less effect than if it is consumed in Super Lemon Haze. This is a basic example, and there is much more to be learned about terpenes in cannabis and their various medicinal effects. We put these cards together to begin to educate the public and medical cannabis patients on the true nature of cannabis. They are not meant to be medical advice, and provide only a snapshot of current research.

     Recently, the MMCWS has generously received offers for funding to print more Cannabis Terpene Effect Guides. If you’d like a pack of 20, please send over your address to , and we will send them direct to your door. If you need more than 20, please let us know.

View our Cannabis Terpene Effect Guides at our FB page.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Alabama Affirmative Defense for Parents up for a Vote

Alabama Affirmative Defense for Parents up for a Vote
      An important step forward in medical cannabis may be coming in Alabama. It will also be much needed relief for kids suffering from epilepsy and other debilitating conditions. Leni’s Bill, named after Lemi young who had to move to Oregon to get the medicine she needed, is being voted on in the Alabama House today. There have been restrictive amendments added, but the hope is these are removed in the Alabama Senate. If the Governor vetoes the bill, the sponsor of the bill believes the Senate and House have enough votes to over ride it.
     This bill unfortunately is not a bill that legalizes the use of medical cannabis. It simply gives parents the right to an affirmative defense. In other words after the parent gets arrested, drug into court, harassed and the kids are fairly traumatized, the parent can present a mass of medical proof that the child needs medical cannabis. This may keep the parent out of prison, but there are no guarantees. Alabama should go much further, and simply legalize medical cannabis for kids with debilitating conditions.


Friday, April 8, 2016

Sports Medicine Potentially Helping Drive Cannabis Acceptance

Sports Medicine Potentially Helping Drive Cannabis Acceptance
      Sports medicine is a field that is becoming a center point for cannabis research, and at the same time, although more than likely unintentional, a driver in bringing medical cannabis into the mainstream. Athletes have long been in the spotlight for violating the zero tolerance cannabis rules in college and professional sports leagues, but there soon may come a time when cannabis is accepted as a medicine in sports.
     Constance Therapeutics, which makes whole plant cannabis extracts, has decided to partner with a sports medicine group called Grit Iron Cannabis Coalition. The research is being done to judge the efficacy of replacing widely prescribed and addictive opiates with medical cannabis. This study sets out to be unique when taking into account the entourage effect of cannabis. The entourage effect is the interaction of all the cannabanoids in cannabis, not just more widely used legal CBD extracts. Constance Finley, CEO of Constance Therapeutics, says in a release “After cycling through several prescription drugs with the hope of finding relief from my rare autoimmune disease, I reluctantly tried medical cannabis, This ended up being the decision that would save my life, and it led me to develop my own cannabis extracts and form Constance Therapeutics. It is now my mission to help others seeking alternatives to what are often highly addictive pharmaceuticals.”
        As athletes begin to use medical cannabis to treat their sports related injuries, cannabis will slowly and steadily become more accepted in our society. These societal shifts have been a key driver in the past to changing stigmas related to other once illegal topics that are now legal.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

DEA Signals Possible Re-Scheduling of Cannabis

DEA Signals Possible Re-Scheduling of Cannabis

     According to several news sources the DEA is considering re-scheduling cannabis from a Schedule 1 Narcotic to a Schedule 2 Narcotic. Surprisingly, cannabis is currently classified with Heroin and LSD as a “drug’ with no medical value. The new schedule would put it on the same level as many pharmaceuticals, such as the many opiates currently over prescribed in the United States. This could be a turning point in the legalization movement, but also could spell trouble for people who grow at home.
     Many states and municipalities hesitate to legalize cannabis, due to its Schedule 1 status. They point to the long arm of the Federal Government, and use it as a justification for not legalizing. It makes sense n the context of the amount of money the Feds give out to the states. Even now DC could yank legalization away from the 4 states that have legalized cannabis. The Feds could simply say, “End legalization, or we’ll take away _______ funding.” The states would have no choice but to comply. A Schedule 2 designation would make this more difficult for the Feds to crack down on legalization. As far as working against home grows. Well, we don’t allow people to manufacture any drug on the Schedule 2 list. So, cannabis could be legalized, but not legal to grow at home. Home growing is the essence of the legalization movement.
      However, If the DEA reschedules cannabis in the end this will be a good thing simply for the number of people it will keep out of prison. It would also open up more research on cannabis. Let’s hope the DEA follows through, and reschedules cannabis as a Schedule 2 Narcotic.