Thursday, June 22, 2017

Senators Cantwell and Murray Should Sign the CARERS Act

Senators Cantwell and Murray Should Sign the CARERS Act

      In 2015 a group of bi partisan Senators introduced the Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States Act, or CARERS Act, in the Senate. This first of its kind bill in the Senate forbids the Federal Government from interfering with state medical cannabis laws, expands research into medical cannabis, clarifies banking rules for cannabis businesses and allows VA doctors to prescribe medical cannabis to Veterans who need the life saving plant. The bill didn’t pass in the Senate in 2015, but now it has been reintroduced in response to the new Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, latest attempt to go after cannabis.
     Democratic Senators Cory Booker, Kirstin Gillibrand, Al Franken and Republican Senators Rand Paul, Lisa Murkowski and Mike Lee Have all signed on to this historic piece of legislation, but 2 names are conspicuously missing. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell’s names are not on the bill. This despite Washington passing one of the nation’s first medical cannabis laws. This in spite of the thriving medical cannabis system that once existed in Washington. This in spite of the millions of Washingtonians who use medical cannabis. This in spite of billions of dollars being spent in the Washington economy from medical cannabis. This in spite of Washington passing one of the first recreational cannabis laws. This in spite of “fill in the blank with how medical cannabis benefits Washington”.

To ask Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray to sign their names to the CARERS Act call 202 225 3121 and follow the prompts to reach their offices. Ask them to sponsor the CARERS Act to stop Jeff Sessions from attacking medical cannabis and save Veterans lives.